



• Superior scratch and slip resistance

• Superior water resistance

• Lower temperature film forming and curing


NUcoat NU-clear is a gloss UV stable single component water based clear coat system which incorporates unique self-cross linking chemistry that improves the chemical and scratch resistance of the product.

NUcoat NU-clear is compatible with most UV cured and solvent based inks with a very wide media compatibility. It adheres well to PVC and many other rigid substrates.

NUcoat NU-clear has low blush or colour shift once applied to printed images and has good flow and levelling properties. It is possible to apply a second coat of NUcoat NU-clear over the first coat, once it has dried.

NUcoat NU-clear is ideally suited for use on self-adhesive vinyl, flexible, as well as certain rigid substrates requiring additional durability, as well as scuff and chemical resistance. For optimum results, ensure a dried film thickness of approximately 20 microns, which will result in an approximate coverage of 20 square meters per litre.

Drying time
PAD APPLICATOR: When using IR curing - 3 to 10 minutes; AIR DRYING: 1 to 2 hours at +23°C and 50% relative humidity; LIQUID LAMINATOR: Follow the manufacturers settings and instructions
Cleaning Instructions
Use water and a mild soap solution.
Packaging configurations
Colours and Shelf-Life
15 months
Shipping and Storage Information
Storage & transit temperatures: +10°C and +30°C; Store in a cool, dry area, not directly on the floor and away from direct sunlight; Non-hazardous cargo, not classified as flammable
Operating Specifications
Temperature: +19°C to +28°C


Kindly note: Not all products are available in every country or region. Contact for your region specific inks.




The NU-clear gloss coating produced by NUtec Digital Ink is designed to be applied in a liquid form and once cured, will aid in the general protection of prints from the elements and application procedures.


There are three main methods to apply a liquid laminate/coating:


By hand using a paint pad

  • Before applying each stroke be sure
    to wipe excess liquid coating into tray
  • Apply on level horizontal surface
  • Testing application stroke patterns for
    your best result is advised
  • Steady even strokes are essential to
    maintain even liquid layer thickness


Airless spray gun or airbrush tool

  • Using either a spray gun or
    airbrush tool allows for control of
    layer thickness like any paint
  • Thicker layers result in a glossier
  • Thinner layers can help achieve a
    satin finish
  • Apply on level horizontal surface
  • It will often help to add an extra 10%
    water to dilute the mixture to improve
    the performance of the spray gun
  • Make sure the equipment is
    thoroughly cleaned after use


Automated Mayer rod/ bar application machine

  • Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines
    for the machine settings
  • Perform tests to check the drying and
    gloss levels


The three application methods will have slightly different drying or curing characteristics:


By hand using a paint pad

  • It is essential to allow the liquid coating to dry slowly to ensure bubbles release and the wet surface is allowed to spread and flatten evenly
  • This should be done on a flat horizontal surface
  • The environment should be as free of dust and dirt particles as possible
  • Coating is usually ready to be handled after ONE to TWO hours after application but full curing will take 24 to 48 hours
  • If available infrared heating lamps can be used to accelerate full curing but it is still advised to allow for layer to flatten and bubbles to release naturally prior to this


Airless spray gun or airbrush tool

  • The thinner the layer the quicker the drying time
  • Allow the layers to flatten and bubbles to release prior to any external heat or forced air drying
  • Coating is usually ready to be handled after ONE to TWO hours after application but full curing will take 24 to 48 hours
  • If available infrared heating lamps can be used to accelerate full curing but it is still advised to allow for layer to flatten and bubbles to release naturally prior to this


Automated Mayer rod/ bar application machine

  • Use the machine guidelines to adjust the layer thickness, speed and drying energy to get desired result
  • Full curing will still continue for up to 48 hours

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